Thursday, August 11, 2011


During the filming process of our task my group has come across many problems and difficulties. The first time we shot our film we took it back to class Mr Andrews had a look at our footage and explained to us that we haven’t used enough shot angles and types and that our shots were to long in length. We discussed with him what the footage we had would be worth for a grade and we decided we wouldn’t be able to receive a good enough grade. He has told us that we need to re-shoot our film and re-draw our storyboards with more shots and details. Our groups tried to re-film the next week on Wednesday 10th but we were not able to film because our actors decided that had other things to do and we had trouble finding Mr Andrews to get a tripod and two of our group members were at sport training. We talked to Mr Andrews today in class and our group has organised that we will film on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday after school and we will let our training coaches know that we will not be able to make training. We are very determined to complete this filming in two afternoons if we need to three but we need to finish the shots so we have enough time to edit the film properly.

During the planning process our group was a bit disorganised and rushed a lot of the important planning sources at the last minute. We were each assigned task to do for the planning before we shot. Although we were all expected to do a task a lot of us left it to the last minute and rushed it as soon as it needed to be done. We need to improve on our communication and organisation so that we can film the shots properly and work together as a group.

Once our group relized that we were so far behind and where running out of time quickly we all worked hard to get all of the planning process. Although we had to re-draw our story boards and re do our shooting schedule we have organised it now and are all communicating and organising with each other well.

The planning process definitely helped my group when it came to filming. By using the storyboards and knowing what we needed to do and how to do it saved a lot of time and confusion within the group and actors. To film the shots the shot list really helped us knowing what shot was what and where it needed to be filmed and with what characters in the shot. The storyboards also helped so that we knew what shots and angles to use when.

Our group has to re shoot our entire film so that we have an acceptable amount of shots and angles and also that our shots were too long in length previously. The bathroom scene of our film worked very well we used quite a lot of different shot techniques that we didn’t as such plan of doing but we found that they looked really good and were very effective for the film.

I have learnt many skills and techniques during the process of filming and designing the shots in our film. I have learnt about shots and editing and the pre-production process that I have never really taken noticed of when watching a film.

I believe that my blog is up to date although I had done the documents required but I have just recently uploaded them to my blog. I have all the document that are required of us and they have been very helpful throughout the filming process. I think I could have done more weekly reflections on my blog to keep track of the process so far instead of doing a less regular larger reflection.

I think that my group and I could have worked a lot better together to get things done properly and on time and I think if we did this our footage would have turned out a lot better thank I did but overall I am happy with the footage we have now.

I am happy with the film story line that we shot but I think next time it would be better if it wasn't A's violent and A's many people dying because we arnt allowed to show that happening in the film.

If we were able to start the project again I would get my group a lot more organised and onto the things that they have to do. I would also get my group to put more effort and detail into the storyboards and shot lists. I believe if we did this we would not have so much trouble and we wouldn't need to re-film our movie.

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