Sunday, March 13, 2011

Genre Storyboarding:

Jeep Comercial Ananlysis

The rhythm of the commercial is an element that helps tie the whole commercial together. The edits and the passage of time create a faster rhythm for the commercial.

The edits influence the passage of time by speeding up what is happening in the shot and cutting to different frames in different times in the commercial.

There are quite a few graphics corresponds in this commercial. One example of this is when the is woman is driving the car and it then cuts to all different people. This enhances the commercial but showing that all sorts of people can drive a jeep.


Mise en Scene:
- Acting
- Props
- Setting
- Lighting

- Lighting
- Focus
- Speed
- Exposure
- Camera position
- Camera movement

Golden Rules:
- The rule of thirds
- golden triangle
- golden spiral

Shots- A shot is a peice of uninterrupted filming.

Edit- is a break in a film where one shot ends and the next shot begins straight away.

Scene- a variety of shots, which are arranged through editing, into a specialized order. Scenes are usually used to create a narrative

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

drafting help ( in class)

title of film: TITANIC


information on director:

1- genre research:titanic by blah blah blah is a good example of .......( genre) because
2- genre specific conventions in the use of:
3- Mise en scene:
4- cinematography:
5- sound and editing:

Mise en scene= style of acting, props, lighting, setting

cinematography= camera movement, speed, camera position, framing, focus/exposure, perspective.

sound and editing music, sound effects, dialogue, music... graphic relationships.(e.g jump cut, shortens events), rhythm: ( beat of the film), passing of time, ( rate at which the film operates e.g 20 years in one hour).

Topic sentence-
Three-four- main points in detail and support the analysis with facts and example.
Clincher- comes to a conclusion of the significance of the main point.