Thursday, October 6, 2011

Abduction- film 2

The genre of this film is a thriller. The movie creates a style of a young good looking teenage boy having to fight for himself. The film creates the main actor (taylor Lautner) to look brave and courageous, also making all of the other characters unpredictable which also leaves the story-line unpredictable.

The website for this film is a very defined dark texture. It sets a thrilling type of mood that displays the panic and fear of the characters in the film. The colours of the film's website are also a characteristic that set the mood and feeling for the film. The website uses mostly the same colour contrast over the entire site. It consists of darker colours, being grey's, blue tinges and black. All of these colours rang in different shades which give the character and the setting feeling and contrast.

The font that is used for the site is a simple text which is easy to read and is obvious to see. The title of the film in in larger font and bolded to make it stand out. The links on the site are easy to follow and take you straight to what you are looking for. The site dosnt have many promotional materials but it dose promote the theme of the film but the colour pictures and text.

I believe that the target audience for this film in both males and females in their teens to early twenties but adults would also enjoy the thriller. I believe that the film has been made to suit all ages above 12 and it has been well made to do so.

The focal point of the website is the main character in the middle. Your eyes focus on him as he is right in the middle and the biggest object in the picture. I think the layout of the page is well balanced with the character centered on the page and the buildings in a 3D perspective. I believe that all of the elements like line, tone, colour and texture and more work well together to have the page look balanced and appealing. Personally the elements that make the website work well together is the colour, positioning and the lighting as they set the scene and the mood for the majority of the film's story line.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Star Wars- Film 1

The website that I have chosen is promoting the star-wars film series. The website has used a colour scheme with darker background and having either the setting or the characters lighter than the background. The tone of the background and pictures on the website has a dusty/musky shade the gives a dark and scary feel to the page. I think the website is well suited to the film series as it relates to both the characters in the film and the setting throughout. The website also shows some of the character that are in the film and the way the site is designed also sets and scary and adventurous feel for the film.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Final Hand In

Today was a very releiving day. I finished my film and exported it to hand in. All of the actual filming process is done and has been handed in. I also handed in my storyboards to Mr Andrews and all of my other documents are up on my blog. The reflection i will update or re-do another one over the weekend


Today in class I had some problems with my usb. All of my media film and editing process have been saved on my usb and it all began to corrupt today in class. Mr Andrews helped me get all of the data off the usb before it was all corrupt and I managed to save the film and all that I had to re-do was the sound in garrageband. I spent the rest of the afternoon re-doing my sound on top of my film but I managed to get it done.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Last night I finished the scene that I was assigned and showed Mr Andrews in class today. He liked it and all I have to fix on it is one small part at the beginning. For the rest of the class I am helping Maddy finish off her scene so that we can put it all together and start putting sound to it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Today we are choosing the shots that we are going to use. This afternoon i am going to get a hard drive or usb for media alone and get the converted files so that I can start putting it together. We have two weeks till our final film is due and I am a but worried about the time, so I am going to have to work hard and get it finished as quick as i can but also do a good job on it. I have already completed my reflection so all I need to focus on is editing the shots together and then matching the sound to the clips.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Today we had planned to start our filming again. In class we found out that Emma has music commitments and Maddy has gone home sick. Brooke and I are still going to film but we also have to find another person to act because one of our actors are sick at home today. We will still do as much filming as we can.